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The world can never be safe when a large ethnic group has declared war on all the democracies the world in the name of their god. No one has ever told them how they have to live within their own borders, so long as they don't genocide their own people or threaten their neighbors. And here in lies the problem, they do not recognize the sovereignty of borders, rather have taken the entire planet as their battle ground. There are many complaining that the USA has chosen Iraq as the primary battle field. There is actually a tremendous advantage to this choice. After 9-11 the fight was taken to the hiding and training bases of Osama. Where ever the USA was to take the fight, radical Islamic homicidal factions were soon to follow in an effort to get their chance to battle the mighty west in their own back yard. Let me say that the mountains of Afghanistan is not a good place for the USA to maintain long term battle, ask the Russians. Going here to wage the main event of the war would also be a big mistake since most of the neighbors already had nukes. Iraq on the other hand is a wide open desert, and by the way, not a jungle like Vietnam. The people were oppressed and would/should support an overthrow of Saddam Hussein. History has always seen this area as commercial and would be a great place to embed capitalism, right in the middle of the Islamic world. I can not think of a safer, more defendable location to wage this war than in the heart of those wanting to destroy the world. When you cannot get one side of an argument to sit at the table to talk peace, you must make them as uncomfortable standing and milling about as you possibly can. I do not propose that Iraq will ever become a real democracy, but the threat to the Islamic world of this happening will keep most of the battle near their homeland. The real radical Islamic homicidal factions will continue to show themselves until the neighbors have had enough, then perhaps we can sit at the table and talk peace. Is it worth it.... you better believe it. At the level of increased destruction caused by the radicals over the last 20 years, the world economy as well as our own would be no place we would want to raise our kids, let alone their kids. Hot spots of Islamic war would be scattered to every region of this planet, with no hope of containment. We would be loosing 90 lives a day in the struggle instead of our peek of 90 a month. And instead of a war lasting up to a decade, we would be looking at generations. The war is making more radicals.. than letting them do what ever they want?..... are you kidding me! Radicals have been training homicidal warriors for decades, and in every country on the planet by the way. Within another generation or two they would outnumber all the armies of the world combined. Our best chance is for the world to help reasonable Islamic Muslims to realize the futility in world domination and hope they would help in calming the radicals and search for an acceptable peace.
As the writer of this piece, I declare no apologies to any organization that supports killing to please their god, or to any organization, either foreign or domestic, in support of these radicals. Any person or organization that acts to hinder the efforts to stop this radical movement is considered by me to be in support of those committing the heinous acts of 9-11. If you have a beef with this I expect you will probably email me, only radicals will try to carry it farther.