So How real is Global
Warming - Hysteria?
- First we should not be asking is
the ice melting because the earth is getting warmer,
- rather we should recognize the
earth is getting warmer because the ice is melting!
The object out of place here is
the ice. What made the ice and cooled the planet is gone.
more detailed page
- Short, Sweet, simple math for the
simple minded Global
- Fact: Large plant eating animals,
Woolly Mammoths (WM), are being found near the north pole
- Fact: Stomach contents of a few WM are
identified, not found in cold climates
- Fact: Many of these animals are found
standing in the ice, not soil, sudden cold
- Fact: WM remains have been found in a
ring pattern all the way around the North Pole
- Fact: Glands for secreting oil onto
the fur, as in other cold climate animals, are not found in the WM
- Fact: There are many, many fossils of
warm climate animals found in the frozen north
- Fact: Large coal beds have been found
under Antarctica, coal comes from vegetation
Conclusion: The Earth polar region used to be MUCH
- Conclusion: Reduction
of Industrialized Nation's greenhouse gases did not bring the ice the first time,
- so removing Industry, greenhouse gases, wont bring the ice back
- Conclusion: The effects of what
brought on the ice is dissipating, so the ice is melting
- Conclusion: As
Earth was, so it will be, warmer
- Below are Links to some interesting Biblical based
viewpoints to what did happen.
- While I do not specifically hold to some of
these denominational positions,
- they do have an interesting grasp on earth's
- Is the earth getting warmer?
- Scientists say the average is about 1 to 1 1/2 degrees per 100
- The temp rise is barely measurable
- How long have they been keeping these records
- About 150 years.
- 1 1/2 measurement periods is hardly a comparison
- How long have we been using fossil fuels?
- About 75 years.
- fossil fuel has only been used 1/2 of total record keeping
- Does the Sun play a role?
- Scientists say the sunspot activity has been higher the last four
10/11 year cycles.
- Sunspots tracked since 1755 with number and severity increasing
- Conclusion:
- The north and south pole ice caps have been
shrinking ever since we knew they were there.
- The earth is still warming from the last
"Ice Age". We really have little to do with it and even less
ability (none) to reverse it. I believe that Corona Mass Ejections from
the sun have far more impact on the planet than man can imagine.
- It is sad how the greed and fear mongering of
liberals can capitalize on natural progression.
- You don't believe it? Just
follow the money!!!