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Blue Cross

    Mr. Smith goes to the doctor's office to get his wife's test
results. The lab technician says to him, "I'm very sorry sir, but we've had a bit of a problem. At the same time we sent your wife's samples to the lab, the lab also received samples from another Mrs. Smith, and now we're not sure which results are your wife's. But, frankly, it's either bad news or terrible news!"
    "What do you mean?" said Mr. Smith.
    "Well...one Mrs. Smith tested positive for Alzheimer's and
the other Mrs. Smith has tested positive for AIDS. And we can't tell which your wife's test is."
   "This is terrible!" cried Mr. Smith. "Can't we do the test over?"
   "Normally, yes," says the technician, "But you have Blue Cross Health Care, and they won't pay for these expensive tests more than
   "Well, what am I supposed to do now?" said Mr. Smith.
   "Blue Cross recommends that you drop your wife off in the
middle of town. If she finds her way home, don't sleep with her."


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