Dimensions of God
Silver Tongue
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A Silver Tongue Serpent convinced Eve to sin against God 
by disobeying His instructions to avoid the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 

God's Word also instructs the sanctity of Life. 
Christians dedicate themselves to follow God's Word. 
Catholics more than others are on order from the Pope to follow God's Word.  


An entire College of young Catholic Graduates 
(Notre Dame - now a secular school in disregard of God)
cheered Obama's quest to 'lets just get along'. 

Obama openly supports and promotes abortions and embryonic stem cell research,
to the point of taking Christian's taxes to pay for it.

If Obama can receive honors and receive standing ovations from God's children, 
then it will never matter what his cause, with his silver tongue
Obama will always be able to seduce God's children. 

Warning Christian leaders:
God has a place for those that help lead His children into sin!

It is a contradiction to support God and Obama

Obama's own words "we should 'reduce the need' for abortions",

is like saying 'we should 'reduce the need' for child abuse or murder'.

To reduce the 'need for abortions' requires reducing pregnancies.
Sounds good on the surface.
The Liberal method is to put school children on birth control and morning after pills.
This will be paid for with Christian tax dollars and without consent of the parents.

Regardless of what you believe, 
The Radical Liberal intend is to get EVERYONE to pay for 
the 'wants' and 'lusts' of the few, who continually disregard God.

If you read this and you are angry, good, you understand.
The question is who are you angry at, and why?



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